Prizes and Grants

The EPS-AG European Accelerator Prizes have been awarded since 1994. The Prizes are awarded every three years, at IPAC conferences in Europe.

The awards are for individuals:

  • The Rolf Wideröe Prize for outstanding work in the accelerator field, with no age limit,
  • The Gersh Budker Prize for a recent, significant contribution to the accelerator field, with no age limit,
  • The Frank Sacherer Prize for an individual in the early part of his or her career, having made a recent significant, original contribution to the accelerator field,
  • A prize for a student registered for a PhD or diploma in accelerator physics or engineering, or to a trainee accelerator physicist or engineer in the educational phase of their professional career, for the quality of work and promise for the future. Starting from IPAC’17 this prize will be dedicated to the memory of Bruno Touschek.

In addition, prizes are generally awarded to students whose work, presented in the Student Poster Session at IPAC in Europe, is particularly meritorious.

Full information concerning all prizes is published in the Rules of the EPS-AG.


The EPS-AG Medal shows Mercury (Latin Mercurius in Roman religion), commonly identified with the Greek Hermes, the fleet-footed messenger of the gods.The inscription round the circumference reads: “Felix qui potuit cognoscere semina rerum. Quanta per mundum mobilitate volent.” (Happy the man who has been able to discover with how great speed the seeds of matter fly through the universe).


The EPS-AG co-ordinates sponsorship from European laboratories for young scientists to attend IPAC conferences, enabling them to benefit from interacting with some of the leading scientists in their field. Sponsorship is also provided for outstanding students from the Joint Universities Accelerator School (JUAS) to attend IPAC.

EPS Accelerator Group Prize Winners List of prize winners since 1994